Class 1
Reception at Swarland Primary School
In our Reception class we aim to make learning exciting, fun and build on the foundations for a life-long journey through exploration and adventure. We value each child as a unique individual and plan for their specific learning needs, considering how to support them to deepen their understanding and identify ways in which to ensure challenge in their learning and development. Great attention is paid to foster the child’s characteristics of effective learning: how they play and explore, their active learning (motivation and concentration), and how they create and think critically across the ‘Prime’ and ‘Specific’ areas of learning and development.
This year, Class 1 also has a small number of year 1 pupils who are consolidating their EYFS learning before moving to the mixed KS1 class.
We plan our topics together with the children to incorporate their ideas for activities that engage them, stimulate imagination and also strengthen their ability to ask questions. The ‘Observation, Assessment and Planning Cycle’ is used to constantly feed information about our children’s learning needs into our curriculum and ensure that experiences, opportunities, our learning environment and resources are well matched and relevant to the children in the group.
Our environment is constantly changing and evolving to suit current learning needs. Planning takes into account different experience types, and the resources needed to facilitate open ended activities and problem solving both indoors and outdoors, across all areas of learning at any one time. Children are actively encouraged to make choices, manage their own risks, build independence, and positive relationships with those around them.
The balance of free choice, child initiated play and exploration, and adult led directed activities shifts throughout the year according to development needs and progress towards readiness for Key Stage 1.
Parents’ and carers’ expert knowledge of their children is greatly valued and information sharing is welcomed and encouraged at every available opportunity. Children’s achievements are recorded in Learning Journals and contributions from home to these and to other shared activities are actively invited.
As any time of change brings uncertainty, we work hard to manage transition for our children with care and sensitivity both into Reception, and in preparing them for the next stage of their learning journey into Key Stage 1. We aim to prepare keen, enthusiastic learners with skills that will equip them for the future learning challenges they face ahead.