Register Of Interests & Attendance

Register from July 2024.


Name & Category

Appointing Body

Terms of Office


Official responsibility

Financial Interest, including relevant business interests

Non-Financial Interest, including Governor roles in other schools and relationships to staff

John Scott

Chair of Governors

Parent Governor

Parent Body





 & Standards

Finance & Staffing

 Data & Safeguarding


 Children in school

 Carolyn Letts


 09/06/2021 to 08/06/2025

 Finance & Staffing

Achievement & Standards

 SEND & pupil premium



 David Hume

 Local Authority Governor

 11/09/23 to 05/09/2027

 Finance & Staffing

Achievement & standards

 Arts & attendance



Nicola Morris

Staff Governor


School staff

10/09/2020 to 10/08/2024

Achievement & Standards

Finance & Staffing



Staff member in school.

Emma Garland

Parent Governor

Parent Body

07/11/2016 to 30/9/2024

Achievement & Standards





Suzannah Knight

Parent Body

07/12/2021 to 06/12/2025

Achievement & Standards

Finance & Staffing





Children in school

Phil Eastlake

Co-opted Governor


Governing Body

06/7/2018 to 06/06/2026

Finance & Staffing

Pastoral & mental health



Stephen Hinchliffe

Co-opted Governor

Governing Body

17/11/23 to 16/11/2027

Achievement & Standards




Sandi Clark

Co-opted Governor

Governing Body

8/11/23 to 7/11/27

Achievement & Standards

Finance & Staffing




Louise Fletcher


By virtue of position


Achievement & Standards

Finance & Staffing





Governor Attendance

Governors are required to attend at least the statutory termly Full Governing Body Meetings and, if they fail to do so, the Governing Body can review their appointment and consider disqualifying them from the Governing Body. However, we recognise that attendance at one meeting per term is unlikely to enable the Governor to contribute fully to meeting the statutory responsibilities and accountabilities of the Governing Body. Our Governors are encouraged to make regular visits to school, to apply their skills to support and challenge our Headteacher and to develop their knowledge and understanding of the expectations we have of our pupils, staff and Senior Leaders. In practice, the Full Governing Body and each of the two main committees, meet more frequently.  Individuals can be assigned specific responsibilities, such as Safeguarding. They may be invited to work together with other Governors and Staff in a Working Group to review policies, review key issues and plan next steps to deliver our Development Plan. They may be part of an Appointment Panel to fill key job vacancies. In addition, they may attend training and development to support their own understanding of their role. An annual Governors day is held to review vision, aims and school priorities. We value their input and acknowledge that some of our Governors volunteer hours of their own time. For that reason, we will always review attendance at the statutory meeting in the context of their overall contribution.

All Governors have been assigned to the Achievement and Standards Committees or Finance and Resources Committees . The Headteacher will attend all statutory and committee meetings.


Governor Attendance at Statutory Meetings From September 2023 to July 2024            

All Governors are assigned to one of our two committees.

Maureen Bickerdike    1/1

 John Scott                3/3

 David Hume               3/3

Phil Eastlake               2/3

Carolyn Letts              3/3

Emma Garland              3/3

Nicola Morris               3/3

Suzannah Knight          1/3

Sandi Clark                  3/3


Updated July 2024